This year's offerings
We're selling 900 yearling black angus breeding heifers selected from 2500 of this years calf crop of heifers.
These are the best of the best. They have everyhing that we told you we've been working for. Most all of the heifers are half-sisters or closely related.
And every heifer is home raised and they only carry the 100 brand. For more information on this year's offerings call:
Drue Summers
I have been closely associated with Foster Cattle Compnay for 24 years. I have seen them grow their ranch into a thriving and quality operation. I have seen an increase in the genetic potential of the herd and have seen a corresponding change in the managmentment to keep up wih that potential. As an example, they consistently have fertility rates that are in the top percentials of ranches we serve. They are good stewards of the lands they run on and the animals they manage.
2022 Spayed Heifers and Steers
We recently butchered 140 spayed heifers and 193 steers of this year's herd.
94% prime or choice for the heifers and 95% prime or choice for the steers. A great example of the great genetics of our herd.
Drue Summers

I have been practicing veterinary medicine and surgery for 29 years. In 2001 I started Lemhi Large Animal Health, a large animal practice with a strong cow/calf emphasis. I have been spaying heifers using the Willis Hook for 24 years. Having spayed Foster's heifers that don't meet their strict criteria for breeding prospects, I have noticed a couple of unique qualities about their females: they have large ovaries and are very consistent.
—Todd Tibitts, Lemhi Large Animals Health
—Todd Tibitts, Lemhi Large Animals Health